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Update Guide

To update Tikting from one version to the latest, make sure that you do need any intermediate updates.

Step 1 - Take SQL Database Backup

Take a fresh SQL Database backup. For that go to SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), choose your database and take backup.

Step 2 - Stop IIS Website

Stop your IIS Website. For that please go to:

Server Manager > Tools > IIS Manager

Choose your website and click stop.

Alternatively open CMD with administrator privilege and execute

iisreset /stop

Step 3 - Uninstall Tikting

To Uninstall Tikting go to:

Control Panel > Program and Features 

Uninstall Tikting from the list.

Go through the Uninstall wizard and press finish when done.

Step 4 - Install new version

Run the Installer Package and reach to the screen where it asks the Destination Folder.

Tikting installs on IIS root directory. If you have chosen an different target location of your IIS or you run your IIS Clusters on a different server, please choose appropriate directory and click next.


Please enter your Database server and login details as specified in the SQL Server Installation. Click next through the installation screens and finish the installer.


Step 4 - Restart IIS Website

Go to IIS Manager, choose Tikting website and press start.

Alternatively open CMD with administrator privilege and execute

iisreset /restart