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Priorities are applied to tickets to differentiate between the urgency to resolve different tickets according to the needs of the helpdesk.

Add Priority

To add a Priority go to:

Settings > General Settings > Priority and click add Priority. 

Fill in all the necessary details like shown below.


Edit Priority

To edit a Priority go to:

Settings > General Settings > Priority 

From the priority list press the pencil icon, go to next screen and press save when done.


Update Priority in Ticket Details

To update / apply priority to a ticket go to the ticket. On the lower right hand above history you can update or apply the priority to the ticket.


A new window will open from which you can change priority.


Update Priority through inline editing on the main tickets page.

To update priority through inline editing, on the main tickets page, go to the ticket which you want to change the priority > double click > a drop down menu appears from which the priority should be selected and then clicking outside of the row will save.
